Orthodontics at Luce Line Family Dental– Creating Smiles for Miles
Orthodontics is more than just braces and straight teeth– it is a crucial aspect of dental health that can enhance both the function and appearance of your teeth.
Does my child actually need braces?
Below are the benefits of braces:
Improved oral health– teeth have less plaque build up and are easier to clean
Enhanced esthetics– a beautiful smile boosts self-confidence and positively impacts social and professional interactions
Better Function– properly aligned teeth and jaws improve biting, chewing, and speaking
Protection– well aligned teeth have less wear and chipping and also alleviates strain on the jaw muscles
Better breathing and sleeping- expanded jaws lead to more open airways and an ease of breathing and therefore sleeping
Guiding growth– dental and skeletal misalignments can affect how a child grows, braces and appliances can help guide children through the most optimal growth patterns
When should my child be evaluated for orthodontics?
The American Academy of Orthodontics recommends that children have their first orthodontic evaluation by the age of 7. While this might seem young, we can spot small problems in alignment or growth at this age. With this evaluation, we can determine if an early intervention might be needed to guide growth and prevent further issues down the road.
Braces are not just for kids! Braces are also an effective solution for adults who seek to improve their dental health and aesthetics. At Luce Line Family Dental, we are dedicated to helping patients of all ages achieve their best smiles.
With locations in both Howard Lake and in Winsted, Luce Line Family Dental is a convenient spot to start orthodontics for you or your child. Contact us for a free consultation today. We look forward to helping you achieve a straighter, healthier smile!